Ema's Teas contain all-natural organic herbs and no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives; they are caffeine free and gluten free.
Kidney Cleanse
Uva Ursi, Birch, Rupturewort, Cornsilk, Bilberry, Marjoram, Nettle, Knotgrass.
Kidney Cleanse
KIDNEY CLEANSE TEA helps reduce the built-up calcium that irritates the kidneys and it also inhibits bacterial growth. Kidney Tea naturally and successfully relieves:
-Inability to urinate
-Burning when urinating
-Bags under the eyes
-Kidney stones
-Lower abdominal pain
-Blood in urineThe kidneys are the body's filtering system, and can become plugged like a strainer with toxins. When they are congested with toxins and mucus, irritation to the kidneys can occur and cause infection. Since one function of the kidneys is to control blood pressure, chronic kidney problems can cause high blood pressure as well as be triggered by it. Kidney failure is sometimes the result of mild, repeated inflammations that have scarred your kidneys.
SUGGESTIONS: Drink 3-4 cups a day of Kidney Cleanse Tea. Drink plenty of pure water or fresh, unsweetened cranberry and apple juice. Avoid coffee, alcohol, and artificial drinks. Eat more fresh and steamed vegetables, fresh fruit, whole grains, and sprouts.